The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted every facet of human life in 2020. However, as hindsight reveals, the events were not entirely unforeseen. A 2016 report titled Rapid Medical Countermeasure Response to Infectious Diseases highlights with alarming accuracy the precision with which the government knew, and planned, the COVID-19 pandemic rollout.

A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process." –– Peter Daszak, EcoHealth Alliance
Just like the quote above, the financial incentive behind the pandemic is made abundantly clear in this NIH published article. Here are are the top 5 shocking revelations the government knew 4 years before the pandemic changed the world forever:
Previous Attempts to Establish Global Vaccination Platform Failed: In 2009, the Ebola outbreak shocked the world. Despite killing thousands, Monique K. Mansoura, the Head of Medical Countermeasures and Government Affairs for the Americas at Novartis, Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance, described the "disappearance of the virus" as "unfortunate."
"Unfortunately, the program ended in August 2009 due to expiration of the NIH grant and disappearance of the threat."
Bat-Virus as a Precursor: The NIH knew they would use the bat virus would serve as a precursor. With funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Daszak and colleagues found there is a huge diversity of bat SARS-like coronaviruses. Researchers in China have identified novel bat coronaviruses that are more closely related to the SARS coronavirus, and they used these to ignite the pandemic.
The Necessity for a "Genuine Threat": Both the government and NGOs, such as EcoHealth Alliance, were aware that the COVID-19 "virus continues to pose a significant risk to public health," yet they were indifferent. "Daszak agreed with others that the general public in the United States remains unaware or unconcerned about an outbreak until it reaches the continent (at which point it usually receives significant media coverage). Despite two MERS cases occurring in the United States, there has been no secondary transmission.
An "Accidental Escape" of the Virus from a Laboratory: NGO leaders and government officials emphasized that as the Ebola outbreak subsided, interest and funding for pandemic preparedness diminished. This resulted in a new found focus on another virus––the SARS virus. In the above-linked publication, government officials admit that they knew no treatments or vaccines were developed for SARS and an outbreak would be devastating.
"This poses a serious threat because the potential for SARS to reemerge persists, whether naturally or as a result of a research accident in a laboratory." – NIH Publication
Leveraging Media to Generate Investor Excitement: The media's influence on public and investor reactions was deliberate. During the 2015 Conference, where COVID-19 was planned under a "hypothetical" scenario, Daszak and other participants concurred that "the general public in the United States remains unaware or unconcerned about an outbreak until it reaches the continent, at which point it typically garners substantial media coverage."
They Knew...And We Know They Knew.
Indeed, monsters do exist. However, there aren't enough of them to execute destruction on such a scale. Ordinary, diligent Americans often find themselves executing terrible schemes, frequently unaware of their involvement at first. Yet, when these regular individuals, simply trying to earn a living, eventually comprehend what they've been drawn into, over 95% choose to stay silent. But why?
The answer is quite simple: fear of retaliation. And this historically has been a valid and real concern that had gone unaddressed for decades. But that all changes starting right now.
In December, Citizen AG announced its partnership with James O'Keefe and his nonprofit, the Citizen Journalism Foundation, to solve for this. Moving forward, Citizen AG and the Citizen Journalism Foundation will be protecting whistleblowers, covering their legal costs and fees, and we are not only defending those who come forward––we're also going on offense to prosecute the claims against corrupt government officials who carry out these devious, unlawful plans against the American people.
We must not let fear cripple truth, and courage prevails above all else in trying times such as what we've endured the last four years. Now is the chance and opportunity to bring truth to light, have your voices heard, and be protected for doing so.
Citizen AG and Citizen Journalism Foundation will not allow your bravery to die in darkness or be without meaningful impact. If you have seen corruption regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, the newly discussed "bird flu" or "HMPV virus", come forward and make your voice heard.
This fight is for America, and people like you who know the truth can change the course of history for the greater good. Join the fight by making an anonymous tip and blow the whistle. And for those who are not in a position to do so, you can join the fight by contributing to the legal costs associated with protecting these brave men and women.
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