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Voter Roll Challenges Could Lead to Millions of Ineligible Voters Removed Prior to Election

Over the past four years, thousands of hours have been spent collecting millions of data points from dozens of sources with a single goal in mind:

Develop a nonpartisan database that enables everyday Americans to examine their county's voter rolls and in turn, identify ineligible voters who remain registered to vote.

And for the first time, we are sharing that this goal has become a reality.  

In the wake of the 2020 election, tech company EagleAI (pronounced “Eagle Eye”) began collecting data from dozens of open sources and government records it obtained through Public Records Requests and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

With this data, EagleAI is able to compare its data and the names listed on county voter rolls and ultimately pinpoint each person who despite being listed as a registered voter, is in fact, ineligible to vote in that county.

And while identification of ineligible voters may be just the help some counties need in order to take action and remove the names from their voter roll, those counties are far and few between.

Bigger counties like Fulton County, Georgia––whose own Board of Elections has publicly admitted the county never inspects its voter roll or removes names from the voter roll––are undoubtedly going to put up a fight and refuse to remove ineligible voters even once presented with this evidence.

Take a listen for yourself:

On November 15, 2023, former Chairwoman of Fulton County's Board of Registrars and Elections, Patrise Perkins-Hooker, callously admits to violating Georgia election law, OGCA § 21-2-228(a), which states:

The board of registrars of each county . . . shall be charged with the duty of examining from time to time the qualifications of each [voter] of the county or municipality whose name is entered upon the list of [voters] and shall not be limited or estopped by any action previously taken.

Citizen AG’s Joins the Fight to Help Americans Exercise their Voting Rights

To combat counties who violate the law by either (1) refusing to inspect and maintain accurate voter rolls on their own volition or even worse, (2) refuse to honor the right of citizens to challenge ineligible voters included on county voter rolls, Citizen AG has developed a two-pronged approach towards ensuring the law is followed and citizens are able to ensure their right to “one person, one vote” is preserved.

The first prong pertains to educating Americans about how they can submit challenges to their own county’s board of elections contesting the eligibility of voters who remain listed as registered voters despite not being qualified to vote in that county.

Every state has a process by which registered voters can submit challenges that contest the accuracy of their county voter rolls. While the specifics of the process vary from state to state, generally a citizen filing a voter roll challenge need only satisfy three requirements, which are that the challenge: (1) be submitted in writing; (2) lists the names of the ineligible voters sought to be removed; and (3) states the specific reason(s) why each ineligible voter listed is not qualified to vote.

Citizen AG is continuing to work on resources for all fifty states and will announce as more and more state resources become available.

The second-prong pertains to addressing counties just like Fulton County who, despite knowing the law, callously choose to disregard it. Citizens who submit voter roll challenges that are ultimately unsuccessful then have standing to bring legal action against the county and file a writ of mandamus that seeks a court order requiring county election officials to fulfill their duties and inspect and update county voter rolls to reflect only the names of those who are eligible to vote in that county.

In order to do this, we need your help. Without Americans willing to step up and file challenges with their county boards of election and when necessary, serve as plaintiffs and commence legal action against their county’s election officials, this work becomes meaningless.

For those interested in filing a challenge or being a plaintiff, click here for more info on how you can get involved in your county.*

If you want to help but cannot serve as a Challenger and a Plaintiff, you can make a tax-deductible contribution where 100% of your donation will be dedicated towards securing our elections.

*NOTE: Eligibility is contingent on county of residence and the information prepared, to date.


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